Hello! Thank you for checking out by Niche. It means a lot that you’re here. Especially when all of this… was never part of the plan. Here’s a little bit more about how we got to this point, 3.5 years and 100+ brand projects later. 



As a very social and very opinionated person, 18-year-old me thought I’d be really good at telling people how to solve their personal problems as a Mental Health Therapist (an obvious oversimplification of the role). But over time that was reinforced and deepened by a growing passion for rehabilitating those trapped in economically disadvantaged situations who’d unwillingly adopted a sense of learned helplessness due to a lack of resources and information on a practical way out. So I spent 8 years studying and preparing for what I truly thought was my dream job in psychology. After being in home-based counseling with high-risk children and families for 2 years and independent clinical practice as an LICSW for a year, I realized I was craving more visible signs of progress, a more operationalizable path to get there, and more macro-level and systemic impact. From my studies & this work in psychology, I brought a lot with me into by Niche. A great regard for empathy as transcendent and deeply essential, theories of motivation, mindfulness, and behaviour modification through thought-training & core belief ownership. Also from my years of volunteering at a homeless shelter People Serving People, and my work in labs studying under world-renowned researchers on protective factors in the severely economically disadvantaged, I was endowed with a great belief in the resilience of humanity & the power of positive resolve, persistence, and personal agency. It was eye-opening working with individuals who faced such immense adversity on a daily basis and encouraging to see firsthand the great potential in all of us, despite great struggles. 


Concurrently in 2011 I launched a fashion blog as an outlet for my lifelong creative inclinations in fashion, writing, and photography. It feels like light years ago now and it was light years prior to the skyrocketing of the blogging industry. : It was the perfect accidental lab for experimentation in brand marketing and social media growth before the industry’s time. It has been reenergized as a platform, if you like you can check it out at When Instagram came out in 2012 for Androids (which I had at the time), I downloaded it immediately and started playing around. Prior to coursework, textbooks and webinars, I relied on good old fashioned trial & error to increase my platform. I attracted a small following to my Instagram & blog, but one large enough to generate questions from enterprising friends and family-members wondering if Instagram could help them grow their business and attract a new consumer base. I had no idea. No one did at the time. But the questions kept coming. So I analyzed my habits to identify operationalizable paths to growth. The researcher in me realized I needed more data and test populations. More factor-toggling. Experience practicing marketing with brands outside my own. I started doing freelance marketing on the side, then went full-time with it. Still there was more interest than I could take on myself. So I took a minute to write a business plan, hone my product, develop a brand, build a infrastructure to scale the services, and launch by Niche.

Now we stand here about 5 years gestation and just over 3 years old ready to serve you with experienced and agile thumbs informed by evidence-based and empirically supported tactics, brought to life and potent efficacy by your brand’s personal DNA. Let’s get to work today!